Welcome to V B Johnson

V B Johnson is a UK based construction and property consultancy specialising in quantity surveying, cost management, project management, building surveying and project safety. We provide services nationally and internationally bringing expert knowledge to building and accommodation strategy.
We have been providing professional services to clients for over 60 years, gaining great experience, knowledge, professionalism and an excellent reputation in the process. Our success as a leading property and construction consulting organisation is derived from consistently providing superior value to our clients and helping them to achieve their business objectives.
We are visionaries, continually keeping up-to-date with modern technology, philosophy and methodology, enabling us to deliver key front line construction consultancy services. With a proven track record in virtually every type of industry sector, we have both the scale and knowledge essential in providing clients with the high standard of service they rightly expect. Our portfolio demonstrates our unequaled experience in providing advice and management support - from a project's inception right through to final delivery and management needs beyond.
Contact us at any time to discuss your requirements and to learn how we can help you achieve the success you require with your construction and building projects.